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NFKA Etiquette 

The art of Free-Style Karate places great emphasis on the development of the character of its students. A code of behaviour is used, together with physical training, so that technical skill, physical fitness and good behaviour become synonymous with Free-Style Karate.

Bad behaviour on the part of any student will reflect badly on the association and individual clubs.






General Respect


Students should inform the Senior Instructor if they are going to miss lessons.


Green Belts and above should inform their Instructor (by telephone if necessary) if they are not going to attend a lesson that falls within their regular training pattern.


Your Club Instructors telephone number can be found inside your N.F.K.A record book.


Training Hall Etiquette


Always bow on entering or leaving the training hall.


Any senior Black Belt entering or leaving the training hall should be bowed towards (unless by doing so it puts yourself in danger e.g. when sparring).


Dan Grades should bow to senior Dan grades.


When in the training hall, Black Belts and Instructors should be referred to as Sir (male) or Miss (female), or by title and surname (e.g. Mr. ----------).


On being given an instruction, or spoken to by a black belt, the student should bow to acknowledge the understanding of the instruction.


Bad language or behaviour likely to offend the etiquette of the training hall is not allowed.


Hygiene, Health and Safety


Suits and sparring equipment should be kept in good condition. Ripped suits and/or damaged equipment must not be worn.


Trousers should be hemmed and not rolled up.


Training shoes should be fastened correctly.


No smoking or eating is allowed within the training hall.


Both finger and toenails should be kept short enough to avoid scratching or cutting.


Jewellery and watches must be removed before training.


Earrings and rings that are impossible to remove should be covered with tape.


Plasters will not be given out from the First Aid Box.


Children not participating in the training session are not allowed on or around the training area.


All training shoes, bags and equipment should be stored tight against the wall.


Suits and Belts


It is the responsibility of the individual student to ensure that their suit is cleaned and ironed before training.


The karate suit should be "V" neck in style, and have two badges on the chest, the Northern Free-Style club badge being the most important should be affixed to the left side of the suit.


The N.F.K.A badge should be affixed to the suit before a student participates in a grading examination.


The student should be able to correctly fasten their belt (ask if unsure).


Students who wish to wear a T-shirt under their top, are advised that only a plain white round neck T-shirt is acceptable.


Although the karate suit is designed for the type of training undertaken by the student, allowance will be made in warm weather to slightly adapt the uniform. To keep with the high standards held by the association, students will have the choice to either wear a full karate suit or white karate bottoms and N.F.K.A T-shirt. (Students turning up in mix and match suits may be refused training).


Only black belts are allowed to wear black bottoms with white tops.


Belts indicating the student’s grade must be worn throughout training.


If a belt becomes loose during training, the student must stop what they are doing and refasten the belt. When fastening the belt the student should turn away from the instructor as a sign of respect.

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