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NFKA Sparring Forms 



To be performed at a medium pace all techniques to be correct and on target.

Start at fighting stance.

Left inward palm block.

Left back fist.

Right leg front kick.

Right jab.

Left reverse punch.

Left leg sidekick.

Turn head 270 Degrees and look over right shoulder

Right reverse hooking kick.

Left jumping turning kick.

Left backfist.

Right back kick.

Left back kick.

Finish at fighting stance ready to go again.


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Starts at attention, to be performed at a medium pace all techniques to be correct, and on target.

Start at attention.

Fighting stance

Left downward palm block (like a palm strike).

Right downward palm block (like a palm strike).

Left jab. (All hand techniques from head not chest).

Right reverse punch.

Left turning punch (get elbows down quick)

Right turning punch (get elbows down quick)

Right static hooking kick back leg

Right leg sidekick (without putting the leg down).

Left reverse hooking kick.

Right jumping turning kick.

Left jumping turning kick.

Step through downward palm block. (normal not all the way down like fire)

Left (front) static hooking kick, Left (without putting the leg down) double turning kick.

Right leg ¾ spinning kick (make sure it is on target).

Left leg shifting front kick.

Double left jab.

Right reverse punch

Left hooking punch

Right uppercut

Right (backleg, this is obviously slower than a front leg sidekick) sidekick.

Turn 180 degrees checking block

Left shifting side kick

Left jumping side kick

Right jumping back kick

Double right backfist.

Left spinning backfist (controlled).

Finish at fighting stance ready to go again.

Remember to concentrate on foot position prior to doing techniques it makes it easier.




Starts at attention, to be performed at a medium pace all techniques to be correct, and on target.

Start at attention.

Fighting stance

Left outward palm block.

Right outward palm block.

Left jab.

Right reverse punch

Right turning kick

Left back kick

Right leg front kick

Left knee strike.

Turn checking block.

Right (static) sidekick.

Left turning kick.

Right leg spinning kick.

Left leg turning kick.

Left backfist.

Step through checking block

Left shifting side kick.

Left shifting side kick.

Right turning kick.

Left reverse hooking kick.

Right jumping turning kick.

Right back fist

Turn, left outward knife hand

Right back kick

Left jumping turning kick

Left backfist.

Finish at fighting stance ready to go again.

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Starts the form in fighting stance, to be performed at a medium pace all techniques to be correct and on target.

Balance is required to carry out slow motion techniques.

Start at fighting stance.

Left hand grab, step through, right reverse punch.

Turn 180 left outward palm block,

Double, right vertical punch

Turn 180 right inward palm block,

Double right backfist head,

Single right backfist body

Single left backfist head (by twist on feet not changing stance).

Left turning kick

Change direction with a right back kick (knee) (controlled it then pull it back, check target.)

Right outward knife hand,

Left reverse hooking kick,

same leg double turning kick

Double punch

Right sidekick slow motion knee; right sidekick slow motion body,

Right sidekick normal speed knee; right sidekick normal speed body.

Turn 180 degrees all the way down downward block one breath out.

Left shifting hooking kick, left jumping hooking kick.

Left outward knife hand, right ridge hand.

Right leg side kick (back leg takes longer to do correctly).

Step down feet in line. Double forearm block (strong).

Left hand jab, reverse, jab, reverse, left turning punch (all fast, from head).

Left turning kick (low) left turning kick (mid) left turning kick (high), (all with slight shift forward.)

Double right spinning kick (check balance),

Right reverse hooking kick (control leg).

Step down, then all the way down, downward palm block (one breath).

Left leg axe kick (static), right jumping inward axe kick,

Right spinning inward axe kick (make sure you travel in a straight line with this combination).

Left spinning kick (this throws your balance, check it).

Turn 180 degrees all the way down outward palm block one breath out.

Left scissor action turning kick,

Turn 180 degrees right back fist

Finish at fighting stance ready to go again

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